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    Nisha Agarwal
    Chief Editor

    Arkja Singh

    Swati Rai

Editorial Note

Dear Reader,

Following 64 matches and 172 goals, we can say that we witnessed one of the best finals in the history of FIFA World Cup this year. Argentina becoming the champion for the third time after beating France in a penalty shootout while Lionel Messi finally laying his hands on the golden trophy that had long eluded him, felt like a personal achievement.

But being the academicians that we are the FIFA World Cup can’t just be looked upon as an international sporting event, rather also a major business. With colossal sponsorships bringing funds to FIFA, the organization has become a brand in itself. The World Cup not only acts as a channel to magnetize more tourism to the host country but also impacts the global economy, generating billions in the overall economic activity, and strengthening economic development opportunities by generating tax revenues for local communities, and for the countries celebrating the World Cup. An event that attracts such quantum of global attention must surely increase its appeal, attracting researchers for developing new case studies and future researches.

Looking forward to such latest and innovative ideas for research, we would like to extend our thanks to all our national and international authors for trusting us with their hard work. This issue has covered recent issues and updates in Sustainable Development, Ukraine-Russia War, Digital Mums and Higher Education with an international point of view. This issue also introduces the first ever publications from a couple of our students on neo- research topics like Post-COVID travelling.

We also thank all the parties concerned who have directly or indirectly contributed, in any way, to put together yet another issue of Vimarsh.

In case of any queries or comments, we would be happy to hear from you at

Happy Reading...!!!


The Vimarsh Team