
NAAC has been working to make Higher Education Institutions more aware of quality, so that they can keep getting better. But once every five years, accreditation from the outside can't be the only way to make standards better in the long run. So, it's important for the institution to have a way to maintain, guarantee, and improve the quality of the education it gives. Many HEIs have already set up the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a way to keep the quality of their programmes high after they have been accredited. Since 2014, IFTM University has had an Internal Quality Assurance cell in place to evaluate, assess, and accredit performance and improve the quality of higher education institutions. Since it was set up, the IQAC has been working hard to make the University a place where quality matters. IFTM University has been accredited as "A" grade for the second cycle of NAAC accreditation in Dec. 2023. It is important to keep the momentum of quality consciousness going. In fact, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell was made as a way to build and maintain a culture of quality at the institution level. It should have an internal quality assurance system with the right structure and processes and enough flexibility to meet the different needs of the stakeholders. The institution's internal quality assurance system is called the "Internal Quality Assurance Cell" (IQAC). Its job is to plan, guide, and keep an eye on the university's Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities. The IQAC focuses and organises the efforts and steps taken to improve academic performance. It's not just another hierarchical structure or way to keep track of things. Instead, it's a part of the institution that makes things easier and encourages participation. The IQAC wants to be a driving force for quality by coming up with intervention plans to fix problems and improve quality.